Cloud Pentest
It is no secret that the future is cloud. However, it can be difficult to understand how the cloud alters your attack surface giving opportunities to hackers. Lovik Security is here to assist it's clients with understanding the vulnerabilities that plague the cloud space. It is time you test the bounds of your cloud environment with a skilled hacker.
White Box
Typical Pricing:
1-5 IPs/Domains/RDS/EKS = $6,000 - $8,000
6-20 IPs/Domains/RDS/EKS = $8,000 - $12,000
21-100+ IPs/Domains/RDS/EKS = $12,000 - $100,000
White Box
One of the best and worst parts of deploying workloads to the cloud is the ease and access it provides to a vast number of services. This is ideal because it enables your business to move quickly with near limitless power. However, the flip side of that coin is that you now have hundreds of powerful services that can be misused and misconfigured. With a White box test from Lovik Security, you will get a clean concise report detailing how an attacker can take advantage of your specific cloud stack. With the access this test allows you can rest easy knowing no stone was left unturned.
Black Box
Much like any other pentest, a Black box cloud pentest from Lovik Security begins with recon. We will use our experience in this space to find and uncover the different services active in your cloud. From there, we will put pressure on those endpoints with both internally developed and industry standard tools. The end result will give you a concise look at what your cloud looks like to a dedicated hacker.